Teacher Spotlight: Art Teacher Sarah

Q: How long have you taught at Explorer West?
A: This year is my 17th year at Explorer West! The time has gone so quickly. In the beginning I had eight mixed-grade afternoon classes per week; now it's sixteen classes. The art room back then was shared with music, and yes, it was crammed full. It's been wonderful to see the changes and updates supporting the visual arts through the years.
Q: What's your favorite thing about being an art teacher?
A: I love that I get to teach my favorite thing to do ("making stuff") and see the enthusiasm generated in students. I like that I'm free to allow students a voice in what they want to do and can provide plenty of options for individuality. I work with amazing colleagues who are like family.
Q: Which art skill or project is your favorite to teach?
A: Sometimes students chide me for announcing with a new project introduction, "This is one of my favorite projects!" They respond, "Sarah, you say this with every project!" It's true though, I only teach things that I feel are exciting and will inpsire and engage all students. High on my favorites list is ceramics, watercolor, and the 8th-grade altered books.