Teacher Spotlight: Math Teacher Scott

Q: How long have you worked at EW?
A: This is my second year teaching at Explorer West.
Q: How long have you been a math teacher?
A: I think I have now taught math in the classroom for two years more than a quarter of my age and one more year than my youngest child has been on the planet. Since the difference in her age and the square of her age is four times my current age, you should be able to determine the number of years I have taught middle school math... ok... 17 years.
Q: Why do you think it's important to learn about math?
A: Math is the language of science, so we have to be able to speak it fluently to continue to understand what's happening on our planet and in our bodies. Furthermore, if you are less mathematically nimble than the folks trying to shape your thinking with their "statistical truths" then you will have a difficult time thinking for yourself.