In-depth Latin study in early adolescence creates a foundation for an awareness of the nature of language itself, and provides a solid, almost instinctual, basis for more advanced study of any language.

Eighth grade students on the annual trip to Rome
The Latin Program at Explorer West works with young people to:
- Develop a lively interest in language
- Build an appreciation for the past as it sustains the present and makes possible the future
- Engage students so they are confident in studying unfamiliar, diverse, and challenging subjects
The Latin program strives to produce students who:
- Are prepared for studying world languages in high school or advanced high school Latin
- Can begin the study of another language confidently, enthusiastically, and with the habit of looking below the surface for meaning
- Have a solid grounding in English grammar and the nature of language itself
- Can use their knowledge of Latin to spell and use the English language with fluency and precision
- Own and use a large and varied vocabulary
- Use their knowledge of the roots of western civilization and their personal experience of travel in Europe to inform their study of other subjects
- Have developed habits of analysis and rigor that they can apply to every aspect of their lives