8th Graders Aren’t Idle

by Sasha Friedrich Do you know what comes out of your car’s tail pipe? Hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates and sulfur dioxide, are the nasty pollutants that are emitted every time you turn on your car (Alpha Online). Each of us humans take 20,000 breaths each day and the average American breathes…

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Behind The Scenes: a Book and Poetry Social

Behind The Scenes: A Book & Poetry SocialWednesday April 14th from 6:30 to 9PM at Explorer West’s GymPlease join us as we spend an adult’s only evening rubbing elbows, drinking wine and snacking as welisten to readings by two dynamic local authors.Historian Charles B Kastner and poet JT Stewart talk about writing with the audience…

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“Celebrating the Spice of Life” Auction

Greetings Explorer West Middle School Parents! Get ready for our 10th Annual Dinner and Auction! Our auction unites our community while providing funds to support our dedicated teachers, tuition assistance, award-winning outdoor education program, students, classroom materials and many unique educational opportunities. Last year’s event raised the largest amount of money in Explorer West’s history…

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7th Grade Nordic Skiers Reach New Heights

The first Friday of Nordic skiing had the 7th grade in the rain for the entire day, but they were too busy falling, laughing, and learning to notice. This year’s group quickly learned the basic skills of side-step, herringbone, kick and glide, and snow plow. Some kids even mastered knee skiing! Given their steep learning…

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Think Snow – 6th Grade Snow Shoe Project

Explorer West has a tradition of winter outdoor education dating back to our very first year, 1996-97, when students, faculty and parents drove up to Snoqualmie Pass to ski.  Today, the program is well developed and integrated into the school curriculum.  For the past five years, the sixth graders have designed and built snowshoes in…

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