Posts by Carol LaMotte
Team Read Volunteer Work
Since October, Explorer West 8th grader Liam has been matched with his student reader Jorge at a nearby elementary school. The pair meets twice each week after school to work on Jorge’s reading skills. Together, the pair works on vocabulary development, fluency and reading comprehension. Jorge clearly enjoys working with Liam. The second grader reads out-loud proudly for…
Read MoreRome Trip – Prep Time
“Rome Prep” has taken many forms in the 8th grade class. Students took lecture notes on aspects of classical architecture, the chronology of the Roman state, and Roman building techniques and materials. They have also read, written comments on, and discussed the sections “Building the City of Rome” and “Building Techniques and Styles” in Roman…
Read MoreGeography Bee Winners
After several rounds of elimination, sixth grader, Brendan Moore, took the top prize and won the school-wide National Geographic Bee. Brendan will now await word of his results on a written test to see if he is invited to compete at the state level. Taking second place was fellow sixth grader Nicholas Sandford who battled…
Read MoreAuction Procurement Begins!
Please help us make our April 5, 2013, “The Age of Exploration” auction a success! See the parent information letter, below, for more information. Thank you! Procurement Letter Parents 2013 Auction 2013 procurement form
Read MoreDance Proceeds Donated
On October 19, Explorer West held its annual middle school dance. Over 100 students and guests attended, and proceeds from the dance yielded more than $500. In keeping with the tradition of contributing the money to a charity of their choice, the 8th graders generated a list of 13 different foundations. The list included organizations…
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