Dawn Fornear

Dawn's passion for education is as diverse as her background. She has taught cooking and nutrition classes for both children and adults at Whole Foods Market. Her commitment to equity and inclusion led her to serve on the Equity and Inclusion Task Force at Coyote Central, where she has helped to ensure that all students have access to creative and educational opportunities. Her international experience includes teaching at an independent elementary school in Bangkok, Thailand. This experience deepened her understanding of diverse educational systems and the importance of cultural humility in education. Before joining Explorer West, Dawn spent five years with the Admissions Team at Seattle Academy, where she worked to ensure a diverse and inclusive student body. At Explorer West, she continues championing equity and inclusion, striving to create an environment where every student feels seen, heard, and valued.

Her diverse interests and experiences, both inside and outside the classroom, enrich our community and contribute to the inclusive environment at Explorer West. In her free time, Dawn explores the natural world, foraging for mushrooms and wild foods. She also has big plans for that constantly growing pile of books next to her bed.

Bachelor of Science, Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences: Diversity Focus (Central Washington University)
Master of Science, Human Relations: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (University of Oklahoma)