Cilla Scofield

Cilla grew up in Hopkinton, New Hampshire where she has fond memories of bike riding on back roads and swimming in lakes. She has worked in education for over 20 years, as an early childhood teacher, a Classics TA, and a middle and high school Latin and Language Arts teacher. Prior to joining Explorer West, Cilla taught at Roosevelt High School in Seattle. She is excited to teach English to EW students who are also learning Latin, as there are so many opportunities for students to make connections: understanding how language works reinforces an understanding of how literature creates meaning. Cilla is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive classroom where students feel safe sharing ideas and interpreting challenging texts. One of the many things she appreciates about middle school students is that "they ask really interesting questions!"

Bachelor of Arts, Ancient Studies (Bates College)
Bachelor of Arts, Comparative Literature (University of Washington)
Master of Arts, Classics (University of Washington)
Master of Teaching (Seattle University)
Washington Certified Teacher (Latin and Language Arts)