8th Grade Awash in Nature on the Olympic Coast!
EW students experienced the full force and beauty of nature during last week’s spring trips. Meticulous pre-trip gear checks paid off, as nature did not fail to provide fair challenge. On and off during the week, heavy rains inundated the Olympic Peninsula and Puget Sound areas where the 6th, 7th, ad 8th grade spring trips took place.
The 6th performed trail work on Cypress Island in the San Juans, while the 7th graders maintained trails on the Big Quilcene River on the east slope of the Olympic Mountains.
Hiking between 4 and 10 miles each day, in three separate groups the 8th graders backpacked the pristine Olympic Coast between the Ozette River on the North and Rialto Beach on the South.
The 8th grade trip is no “walk in the park.” Hiking the rugged Olympic Coast entails miles of rock hopping and scrambling over headlands. Rainfall made for extra slippery footing this year.
provided fun and surprises.
A fresh beach awaits the class of 2009.